Business Insurance over the festive season

With Christmas fast approaching, it is often the busiest and most stressful time of the year for many businesses. While we rejoice for the increase in customers and sales, the increase in activity can mean extra risk for your business. Now is the time to check in to ensure you have enough financial protection to keep your business safe over the festive season.

Here are a few things you’d like to keep in check:

  1. Increase in foot traffic
    During that time of year, one of the first things that comes to mind is crowds. Whether you run a retail store or a hospitality venue, you can expect an increase in foot traffic. The increase in visitors will also increase the likelihood of an incident or accident occurring. Risk in injury claims not only applies to customers and patrons. This also applies to employees seeing an increase in workload and financial stresses.
  2. Increase in stock
    With the festive season, if you’re in retail or manufacturing, you’re likely carrying increased stock levels. Make sure you revise how much stock you are actually carrying and see if your current policy will cover that cost. In line with this, ensure that the extra goods you’re getting delivered have adequate cover.
  3. Increased chance of burglary and shoplifting
    Over the Christmas break, whether you are operating with skeleton staff or are planning on closing completely, Christmas is prime time for burglary. We mentioned earlier how crowds increase the risk of injuries. Crowds also make it easier for shoplifters to steal merchandise without getting caught. The same goes for money, if you anticipate having extra cash on-site, make sure you’re protected.
  4. Temporary staff and employee theft
    Many businesses hire temporary staff to help out during the busy season and if not properly trained in safety procedures, accidents can easily happen. Unfortunately with the increase in staff, employee theft of merchandise or money tends to go up too.

In order to ensure your business is protected over the holiday season, take the time to carry out an audit and update where necessary sums insured and liability limits. Get in touch with Risk Broking today and make certain that you have sufficient coverage to protect your business during the Christmas season.

Disclaimer: This article provides information rather than financial product or other advice. The content of this article does not take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Please seek professional advice from your broker before acting on any information.

La Niña likelihood increases

It is that time of the year again, La Niña event is imminent. La Niña brings an increase in rainfall which in turn increases the risks of flooding and water damage to properties. The bad news is that the chances of a flood-inducing La Niña system forming this year have risen, yet again.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, the recent cooling in the tropical Pacific Ocean means there is a 50% chance of a La Niña forming. The worse is, Australians are not prepared. Close to half of the Australian population don’t know what La Niña is while 51% don’t secure doors, windows, or roof coverings when a storm is coming.

Now is the best time to ensure you’ve taken all your precautions. Check your building for any cavities where water could seep in and make sure your pipes aren’t clogged. Get a roofing specialist to inspect your roofs and give their tick of approval on them being as watertight as can be. You’ll like to pay particular attention if your building was built in the 1980s or prior as it is highly likely that that the roof is made of asbestos. Roofs made of asbestos tend to be very old, brittle, and prone to damage. The claim could cost you a significant amount if you were to replace the whole roof. This would be problematic as your premium may not cover you for the entire amount of the claim; which means you’ll be out of pocket.

Have a first aid kit, clean water, and a torch handy, as well as a list of emergency numbers you can contact. When it comes to insurance, ensure that the sum insured is adequate in the event the building is damaged by a major storm. Ensure that your policy covers flood damage too. Depending on where your business is located, premiums covering flood damage can be expensive and in some areas, not available at all. For example, if your area has been subject to flooding and excessive rainfall multiple times in the past, chances are that your insurance premiums will be high. Some insurance providers may even entirely refuse to cover your business for storms and flood damage.

Take a closer look at your current policy, whether the area you’re in has a history of floods and any areas water could potentially seep in in case of heavy rainfall. If you’re unsure as to what your excess limits are, reach out to your broker.

** Disclaimer: This article provides information rather than financial product or other advice. The content of this article does not take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Please seek professional advice from your broker before acting on any information.

What is Volunteer Insurance?

Whether you run a charity, a not-for-profit, or regular live events, volunteer insurance exists to protect both you and the volunteers that work for you. From music festival ticket collectors to ongoing charity work, volunteers are often the most important part of your organisation, and they need to be protected from accidents. Volunteer Insurance will cover them for personal accidents, and they and your organisation will be at a serious disadvantage if you do not have the right coverage in place. If you want to attract the right volunteers and keep your vital volunteers safe and confident, this specific insurance is going to be an essential requirement.

Who Needs It

Many types of organisations will need to have the right volunteer insurance policy in place.  Community groups, charities that provide healthcare for the elderly or disadvantaged, religious organisations, recreation clubs, and any charity or organisation that runs events, all make use of volunteers. These workers will not be covered by a standard business insurance policy, as they are distinctly different from salaried employees. Volunteer insurance policies protect the volunteer, but they also protect the organisation from public liability claims caused by the volunteers.

Did you know?

  • There are an estimated one billion volunteer workers worldwide, and Australia has just under six million of them. (Volunteering Australia)
  • The Australian economy receives approximately $290 billion from the work carried out by volunteers. (Pro Bono Australia)
  • According to the 2020 census by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, volunteering rates were similar for males and females at 23% and 26%. Members of the population aged 40-54 were the largest group participating in voluntary work through an organisation. (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

What does it cover?

Employee insurance is very different from volunteer insurance, and you need to be aware of the protection that you are missing out on if your community group, non-profit, church, or charity makes use of volunteers. Volunteer insurance coverage means that you will get protection for:

Personal accidents: If a volunteer is injured while being involved in authorised volunteer activity, they will get protection and may receive weekly payments until they have recovered. This protects volunteers who are engaged in other work, as they may lose out on regular wages if they are injured while volunteering. It can even cover expenses caused by the accident and medical expenses.

Public liability: A well-tailored volunteer policy will also cover public liability. This type of policy will have a broader goal, and will offer protection for the organisation, any paid employees, and volunteers in cases of third-party personal injury or property damage. Not all volunteer policies will include public liability, so you need to confirm your coverage with your provider.

Voluntary Boards: If you have directors and board members that are categorised as volunteers, then you may want to include Professional Indemnity Liability. This will protect directors and officers from negligence by volunteers, defamation, slander, and sexual harassment. This is not usually included with a standard volunteer insurance policy, but may be a valuable addition if you make use of high-ranking professional volunteers.

Social media risks for your business

Social media is everywhere. It’s unavoidable, it’s powerful, and it’s here to stay.

That being said, social media does come with a set of risks. According to the latest EY Global Information Security Survey, 59% of organisations had a “material or significant incident” in the past 12 months. In fact, social media risk management is a completely different domain of expertise.

It is also crucial to recognise that with social media, messages can spread far and wide very quickly! While it is one of the reasons why social media marketing is so praised, when defamation, slander, and negative publicity are involved, it can cause serious damage to the reputation of a business. A negative brand image will have a lasting impact on your business until resolved effectively with social media risk management techniques.

Basic security practices and mitigation strategies can be adopted in order to manage those risks:

1.0 Social media policies and guidelines

Have a clear process as to who is responsible for posting on social media. Have guidelines as to what messages are appropriate to feature on social media and tone/voice to be used. This process should also provide guidance on how often social media is monitored and responded to and especially how to respond to negative comments.

2.0 Employee training

Human error accounts for 20% of cyber-attacks according to EY Global Information Security. In today’s busy world, it is all too easy for an employee to accidentally expose the company to threats online. Ensuring that your employees are involved in relevant training involving social media is key. Have training sessions around how to identify and avoid scams, attacks, and other security threats; who to notify, and how to respond if a social media security concern arises.

3.0 Professional use and personal use of social media

Always be wary of the language you use on social media. When deciding on what social channels to use for your business take into account the needs of the organisation, not the owner’s/manager’s personal views of social media. Also, remember that nothing on social media is really private. It is important to take the time to think through a message before sharing it on social media.

Regardless of all precautionary measures, insurance is always recommended as an extra layer of protection. Insurance has a role to play, but it is important to understand how cover works in relation to social media risks because the protection insurance provides has limitations.

So, what can insurance cover?

If you have been accused of defamation as a result of comments you have made on social media in your capacity working for a business, cover may be available within public and product liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, as well as certain other policies.

Public and product liability, as well as professional indemnity insurance, may also help cover legal costs required in defending yourself in court; in the instance where you’ve been a victim of keyboard warriors on social media. That being said, policies are unlikely to cover for threats such as someone “simply” trolling your business, but rather provide cover for the loss of a major customer contract. For this to happen, the trolling or event would likely need to be defined as a crisis event.

The digital world isn’t 100% secure and even with the best antivirus software and firewalls, cyber threat is real. With the numerous social media accounts available and the use of 3rd party apps for creating content and scheduling posts, hackers have more avenues to crack through to a business; increasing risks of breaches in data records, intellectual property, and ransomware. In this case, having cyber insurance could be invaluable.

Social media offers a world of opportunities but just like any other channel, social media is not risk-free. The risks can be mitigated with effective policies and practices. Of course, as much as precautionary measures can be taken, you should consider insurance to cover your business if all fails. Social media marketing and risk management should be taken seriously and it is essential for growing businesses to ensure they are both given equal attention.

Contact us today to receive assistance on how insurance can protect you against social media risks.

Disclaimer – the information provided here is general advice only and has been prepared without taking in account your objectives, financial situation or needs.

Risky Business: Why Your Small Business Needs Ransomware Insurance

Did you know that cyber-attacks went up by 700% last year, leaving many Australian businesses feeling unprepared? A cybersecurity threat can lead to lost data and money. When your system gets taken over by ransomware, your business is held, hostage.

A cyber insurance policy that covers you in the event of ransomware is a must for all businesses. Read on to learn about why your small business needs this type of tech insurance.

What Is Ransomware?

Malicious software that infects a computer with display messages that demand a fee needs to get paid is considered to be ransomware. Before your system can work again, the ransom must get paid.

This malware technique is a moneymaking scheme that gets installed through deceptive links. This could happen through phishing emails, calendar invitations, instant messages, or on a website. Once these links are clicked, they can encrypt files or lock the entire computer screen.

The ransomware attack rate in Australia is far from the global average. In fact, 67% of Australian organisations experienced this issue in the last 12 months.

Protecting Your Business

There are steps you can take to protect your business from an attack, but without ransomware insurance, there is still a high risk. Along with getting the proper business insurance, you can do the following:

  • Update Software Regularly
  • Never open unsolicited emails
  • Backup data regularly
  • Restrict software privileges within the workplace
  • Enable spam filters
  • Use firewalls to block suspicious content
  • Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication
  • Scan all emails for threats

With how much technology has advanced, you can get hacked even when you are being safe. Insurance is the only sure way to protect your business.

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance can cover expenses and other financial losses due to a cyber event like malware attacks, cyber extortion, social engineering, or other invasive software.

A cyber policy typically covers three things, even though the policy may be broad. With a policy, you get covered for Liability (regulatory defence and privacy lawsuits), Internal Financial Loss (notification expenses, business interruption, extortion, data recovering, and crime/theft), and Emergency Incident Response (covering costs that were lost due to a cyber event).

Typically, a main coverage cyber policy includes:

  • Privacy Breach Notification & Crisis Management Costs
  • Privacy & Security Liability
  • Business Interruption – Loss of Profits & Operational Expenses
  • Data Recovery & System Damage
  • Regulatory Defence and Fine
  • Media Liability

Additionally, you can enjoy other coverages by paying an extra premium including:

  • Social Engineering & Funds Transfer Fraud
  • Payment Card Data Security Liability

Get Ransomware Insurance Now

Ransomware insurance is important for any business that uses a computer system. As small businesses are more susceptible, it is necessary to protect your business by following a few steps. However, the only way to ensure protection for your business is by adding ransomware insurance.
Anyone can fall victim to hackers, contact us today to get the insurance you must have for protection.

Is your business fire safe?

Although bushfire season is here, this risk is only one of a host of different sources of fire. Arson is often the cause of fire and poor maintenance standards are another serious fire risk for businesses.

For instance, damaged or old electrical cabling is all too often the cause of a fire, especially in older buildings. Another problem, says Michael White, Steadfast’s broker technical manager, is incorrect storage of flammable materials.

“Too often, fires are caused when flammable materials are not safely stored, or they are stored with non-flammable materials. Expanded polystyrene or EPS is an especially serious fire risk,” he explains, adding “that’s a very common issue that comes up in commercial buildings, particularly in food processing industries.”

These panels are commonly used in areas that are refrigerated such as cool rooms. While refrigerators are not typically flammable, if a fire does occur in a cool room, EPS panels help the fire to spread. And they are very hard to extinguish once they are alight.

“Insurance policies respond in different ways when a fire occurs”

Read the full article at Steadfast Well Covered

Important note – the information provided here is general advice only and has been prepared without taking in account your objectives, financial situation or needs.

Business Insurance – what should every business consider?

Running a business has a number of responsibilities and associated risks whether you are a sole trader or global enterprise. Business insurance can protect you against the financial damage of business risks giving you peace of mind to concentrate on growing your business.

In Australia, some insurances are compulsory – if you hire employees you must have workers compensation in accordance with each state regulations. Further to this some companies are required to have Public Liability Insurance to cover for third party death or injury and if you own a motor vehicle Third Party Insurance is also compulsory.

In addition to the compulsory insurances there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Insurance companies will often package different types of insurance together which is more economical than separate policies. You will want to protect aspects of your business such as:

  • Business income
  • Business assets
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Business owners

As your broker, we have the expertise and will take the time to understand your business and source the most suitable insurance for your needs.

Some of the key insurance products we’ll look at include

Technology and Cybercrime Insurance
Technology Insurance covers accidental damage or loss to computers, electronic equipment and data. Cyber Liability Insurance protects your business against the cost of keeping your data secure and business disruption in the event of cybercrime.

Property Insurance
Property insurance covers damage or loss to buildings, contents and stock caused by insured events and accidental damage.

Business Vehicle Insurance
In addition to compulsory third party insurance we recommended that you consider business vehicle insurance to protect your company vehicles in the event of damage, theft or collisions.

Product Liability Insurance
Product Liability Insurance is a must for any business that manufactures its own products. Even with excellent manufacturing practice and quality control you cannot completely rule out legal action for a faulty product.

Directors and Officers Insurance
Managers are accountable for their actions and also the outcome of their decisions and unfortunately it’s easy to make a wrong decision in a high-pressure situation. Even with sound knowledge of the market, compliance regulations and risk management an unintentional mistake can be very costly which is where D&O Coverage offers protection. Risks that can be covered include employment practice, HR issues, reporting errors, unauthorised decisions and breaching compliance regulations or laws.

Contact us for a business risk analysis and customised insurance package.

When was the last time you thought about your insurance policy?

Are you sure you are covered? Don’t wait until you need to claim to discover your policy isn’t what you need.

If you’ve had the same insurance for a while it’s quite likely that your circumstances have changed since the policy was first taken out. As part of our client service we can handle your insurance cover management – this includes regularly reviewing your policies so that you have the correct level of cover. We identify new or emerging risks to your business and recommend necessary changes to your policy.

It’s good practice to not only review your policy annually but also when your circumstances change. A policy review needs to consider the following:

  • Stock levels – if you have increased or decreased your stock level your policy should accurately reflect this value
  • Staffing – a bigger or smaller team may affect the type and level of cover you need
  • Equipment and other assets – if you have bought or sold any new business assets your premium will need to change to reflect these
  • New risks – if the way you operate has changed you may have new risks to consider, also any new products, services or changes to sales channels, distributor to trade patterns may also change your insurance needs
  • Turnover change – if your turnover has changed this will impact your business interruption policy
  • Newly created entities or changes to directorships

How can we help?

We will save you time by researching and comparing your policy options using our expertise to provide options that best suit your needs. We will also ensure you have the correct levels and types of insurance at the most economical premium. As part of Steadfast we have access to Australasia’s largest network of policies and will take the hard work out of finding the right one for you.

The importance of keeping your details up-to-date

It’s a fast moving world, especially at the moment. Even though there’s so much going on, it’s essential to update your insurance broker any time your circumstances change to help ensure the cover you have in place is still appropriate for your enterprise.

A popular business pivot many beer and spirit firms have undertaken in recent months is a great example of what can go wrong if firms don’t tell their broker when their operations change.

During the early stages of the corona virus pandemic, many of these firms switched from making alcohol to hand sanitiser, as the need for their regular products dropped as bars and pubs closed and as demand for sanitiser sky rocketed.This was a great commercial solution for these firms, and a wonderful way to keep staff employed.

But it’s important these enterprising enterprises let their insurers know how their operations had changed, because their risks also shifted alongside their product lines.

Let’s say, for instance, the hand sanitiser damaged people’s skin and caused painful rashes, and the affected customers or businesses that had purchased the product made a claim against the business. The insurer could deny the claim if the business had not informed their insurer through their broker they were changing their product line, leaving the business liable to pay any damages from their own earnings.

“It’s important to tell your broker any time you circumstances change, who can in turn let your insurer know,” says John Clark, Steadfast’s broker support manager.“This is because policyholders should disclose anything that may affect the insurer’s decision to cover the business.

These include things like your business premises becoming unoccupied and reduced security,” he adds.There are many other situations organisations are facing at the moment they should also let their broker know about.“Many businesses like hotels and retailers may have seen their stock levels fall during the lockdown.

Read the full article on Steadfast Well Covered.

Make sense of the insurance market

A hardening market can mean higher premiums and tougher underwriting decisions – so it pays to get an expert on your team.

Like any market, the business insurance market experiences different cycles that can affect pricing and how easy it is to get cover. Depending on the stage of the cycle we’re in, this can mean more risk and higher premiums for you.

That’s where we can help. As insurance experts, we can help you navigate the insurance market to find you value for money insurance that’s suitable to cover your business needs. And as part of Steadfast, Australasia’s largest network of general insurance brokers, we can help negotiate better cover.

Understanding insurance market cycles

Insurance premiums are generally governed by the insurance cycle – which moves between a ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ market, based on economic and other factors. In a soft market, insurers are chasing market share – competing with lower premiums and better underwriting terms – and making it easier and cheaper to get the cover you need.

Factors like a worsening economy, higher claims – perhaps due to a string of natural disasters and storms – and poor investments can lead the market to harden in these times, premiums tend to be higher – and underwriters less willing to take on additional risks.

Insurance cycle

How can we help you navigate the business insurance market

We take the hard work out of getting the most suitable cover – at a competitive price. As part of Steadfast, Australasia’s largest general insurance broker network, we have access to policies from national and international insurers – so we can help find the right one for you. We’re experts in helping you:

Access to local and international markets
With access to international and local insurance companies, we have access to policies from around the world – and at home. And because not all markets are at the same point in the cycle that means we can find you the right terms and policy – and potentially save you money.

Expert advice
Even in a hardening market, there are things you can do to get more value from your insurance. By putting robust risk management processes in place and being more strategic about your business risks, you can potentially lower the cost of your insurance premiums.

As insurance experts, we can advise you on what you can do to make your insurance dollar go further.

Negotiating power
Because we are part of the Steadfast network, we can negotiate with insurance providers to help get you the best possible terms.

Our regular cover reviews, effective claims management processes and negotiating power can also help to minimise future price increases – so you can afford to maintain the cover you need.